You know how chit funds work and are eager to earn more. Your search for the ideal chit fund ends here.
Nidhi Chit Bonds is 100% New Zealand-owned and the country’s first fully registered chit fund firm. We have been serving the local community for the last 10 years, and this relationship has been built entirely on trust.
What’s our niche?
Better returns than term deposits, even when you invest in small amounts — your money is not locked in.
We collect and pay the resident withholding tax (RWT) to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), so you don’t have to make the extra effort of filing the tax for the interest earned.
All our operations are entirely legal, and our books are up to date. What’s more, the money you save and the interest you earn legally comply with the tax regulations.
You can enjoy your earnings in a single currency, the New Zealand dollar. Earlier, you would lose earnings due to the exchange rates because you invested in country-specific chit funds. Not anymore.
So, let’s get you started. Nidhi is waiting for your call.